OK CHECK aim to create a multi-platform language that promotes contents on their own local languages, other than using ex-colonials’ languages and promotes cultures and diversity of African and other developing countries.

Our mission is to raise the richness of the diversity of those cultures, and examples of success stories that could be reproduced to generate an economic, social, environmental, political impact on their local communities. We believe that ideas are not enough to start something, you need to get the motivation to start our own venture. We would like to propose some tangible examples from individuals, who have been passing through this step, and by their own example and success stories, inspire a whole new generation of the number of occasions and opportunities they could access and increase their awareness of the possibilities that could be offered to them, but also to their own communities depending of their needs. We also believe that everyone could create their own ventures with or without money and can start from anywhere and make their own way to success.
Our portraits will have any backgrounds, and provide advice to start business, development and social ventures, and propose partnerships, sponsors, and grants for entrepreneurs and individuals.


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