Evelyn Kasina

I am a Kenyan Techprenure - A Family IT Consultant Evelyn Kasina the founder of Eveminet Communication Solutions Limited. I thrive in the Educational space where I train and equip Children and Parents/Guardians on Digital Literacy and Cyber Security. I am also a mother of two children and a wife. I got the idea to train children when I encountered my son viewing cartoons on my iPad and he would be so swift to clicking the adverts and popups - I was not comfortable with that and I was scared that he would access unhealthy content. That's how my business idea got born to protect him and his peers. Funny how I started my business, so for close to one and a half years I converted one of the bedrooms in my house to an office, I would meet my clients in coffee houses then execute my work from the house. Whenever I needed to hold training I would use hotel meeting rooms. What is unique about my business is that I can work from the comfort of my house using my smartphon...